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Anne Marie Sinasac-Roy
Doctor of Audiology

Anne Marie Sinasac-Roy attend both the annual Canadian Academy of Audiology, and the American Academy of Audiology conferences, as well as other mini-conferences held throughout the year in an effort to stay in the forefront of the latest hearing aid technology and audiological research. All staff receive complete training in hearing aid modifications and repairs.  


Moisture damage is a top cause of hearing aid malfunction. Despite efforts to keep your hearing aids dry, they still collect moisture from regular use. Hearing aids accumulate moisture from normal condensation inside the ear canal. Weather conditions, body sweat, and leaving them in the bathroom while showering all cause moisture to collect inside hearing instruments. A hearing aid dehumidifier is one solution to help prolong the quality and life of your hearing aids. This is a portable container that draws moisture from the hearing aids and releases it through a hose. Your climate and activity level will affect the amount of drying time needed. Keep in mind that electronic dehumidifiers can’t be used with rechargeable hearing aids. 

A hearing instrument that needs dehumidifying, isn’t working correctly, doesn’t fit properly or deliver the quality of sound you have a right to expect is probably going to end up unworn and forgotten, a sad outcome for your investment in better hearing. For comprehensive testing and evaluations, a complete line of today’s most innovative hearing instruments, expert fittings, as well as follow-up adjustments using state-of-the-art technology, please call the audiologists at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC.  

P.S. To dry out hearing aids in a pinch, try using the drying crystal packets found inside products like shoes and medications. You can also put them in a closed container of uncooked rice.


People choose to get hearing aids an average of nine years past the time when they qualified for them. When first diagnosed with hearing loss, many people feel that their hearing isn’t a problem. Hearing loss is tricky because it usually happens gradually as we age, at a rate so slow it can take years to notice it ourselves. Avoiding hearing aids means missing out on years of better hearing and quality of life, and poor hearing increases cognitive decline, depression, and other mental health issues. Hearing loss actually makes the brain work harder to hear, causing brain strain that leads to loss of memory and cognition. Hearing loss may also cause the brain to shrink faster as we age. 

Those who have a hearing impairment are missing more than just the understanding of words. Hearing keeps us in touch with the world, lets us respond to sound, and reassures us of changing surroundings. After the age of 50, a regular hearing test should be considered as important as a yearly physical checkup. LINDSAY EAR CLINIC offers comprehensive hearing services by an audiologist, including evaluations, custom fittings, a full range of hearing instruments, accessories, follow-up support, and repairs. 

P.S. Inability to hear speech over background noise is a common problem with hearing loss, and hearing aids have directional cones that significantly reduce background noise. 


Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disorder that affects hearing and balance. While the exact cause is unknown, it is thought that the fluid volume and concentration in the ear, which normally remain constant, begin to fluctuate with the rest of the body, gradually causing damage to the sensory cells of the inner ear. Meniere’s disease can build up over time, causing gradual hearing loss, or it can come on suddenly, usually as abrupt, severe vertigo. These attacks can last from a few minutes to several hours. During and after an attack, a person may experience reduced hearing and unsteadiness that gradually resolve. As the condition progresses, the vertigo attacks become less frequent, and the hearing loss becomes more profound. 

If you have questions about Meniere’s disease and other hearing problems, hearing instruments, or hearing evaluations, or if you would like to talk to an audiologist about the state of your hearing, we want you to know you are always welcome at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC. Perhaps you have a hearing aid that you don’t wear because it did not live up to your expectations. If so, bring it to us and let us take a look. It may be that a simple adjustment or a switch in styles is all it will take to bring your hearing abilities up to maximum capacity.

P.S. In addition to vertigo, a sudden attack of Meniere’s disease symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and tinnitus. Attacks may start to involve sudden, temporary deafness and aural fullness as the condition progresses. 


Ototoxicity literally means “ear poisoning.” Certain medications can damage the sensory hairs inside the inner ear that help us hear and keep our balance. These kinds of medications are known as ototoxic drugs. Salicylates are a class of drug known to be ototoxic and includes common over-the-counter drugs like aspirin. Tinnitus (ringing noises heard inside the ears) and hearing loss can be side effects of taking aspirin, and while rare, a single dose is enough for some people to feel the ototoxic effects. Mild cases of hearing loss from aspirin can be reversed, but an overdose can lead to permanent hearing loss. Hearing damage risk increases in people who take multiple medications, drink alcohol excessively, or have high blood pressure.

In addition to restricting certain medications, two important steps you can take to help protect as well as enhance your hearing are wearing ear protection in loud, noisy environments and having your hearing checked regularly to stay on top of possible hearing loss. Hearing tests are easy, comprehensive, painless ways of evaluating this precious sense. If you’ve never had a hearing test, or if it’s been a while since your last one, take the time today to give us a call at NORTH HASTINGS HEARING AND BALANCE CLINIC. If wearing a hearing aid is indicated, we can show you a variety of instruments and determine which is best for you. 

P.S. When used in excess, aspirin and NSAIDs (like ibuprofen and naproxen) can reduce blood flow to the cochlea and damage hearing.


It makes sense that ear diseases like otosclerosis, Meniere’s disease, and acoustic neuroma can cause hearing loss. But there are several medical conditions unrelated to the ear that can also affect hearing. Measles causes the brain to swell, which can damage the auditory nerve and other nerves needed for hearing. Measles also causes ear infections that can lead to acute hearing loss, and less often, permanent hearing damage. Mumps causes swollen cheeks that can damage the cochlea and make hearing more difficult. The varicella virus (chicken pox) can affect facial nerves near the inner ear, limiting hearing and balance. Although usually reversible, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can also cause hearing loss, most notably syphilis.

If your hearing is suffering from the effects of disease, noise and noise pollution, trauma, or age-related loss, seek the professional attention of an audiologist.  Hearing loss varies by type and degree, so we offer comprehensive evaluations and a complete line of hearing instruments to suit each person’s particular needs. Come see us at NORTH HASTINGS HEARING AND BALANCE CLINIC and have your hearing tested. It’s painless, doesn’t take very long, and can help you more than you know. 

P.S. German measles (rubella) can damage a developing fetus’s auditory nerve and hearing if the mother has the disease while pregnant. 


In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids offer three options that are more discreet—and for some people, more comfortable—than behind-the-ear hearing aids. While they are all custom molded to fit snugly in the ear, the right model depends on the level of hearing loss, available features, and aesthetic concerns. Standard ITE hearing aids are the largest in-ear model, allowing for a longer battery life and advanced volume and microphone controls. In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids are smaller but still carry plenty of features. Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids can’t be seen and have a tiny handle for insertion and removal. CICs are usually best for using phones, limiting feedback, and blocking wind, but they don’t have the same advanced features and battery life. 

We take the responsibility very seriously of matching every patient with the hearing devices and instruments necessary to optimize their hearing abilities.  We then use sophisticated technology to achieve the most accurate, comfortable, custom fit best suited to each individual’s special circumstances. The extensive training required of audiologists and our experience in the field make us well-suited to both tasks. Is your hearing in need of a boost? Call NORTH HASTINGS HEARING AND BALANCE CLINIC to arrange a hearing evaluation and to see the astonishing hearing instruments available today. 

P.S. Although in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are best for mild to moderate hearing loss, some people with severe hearing loss can also benefit from them. 


Tinnitus is a common hearing problem that causes a person to hear noises other people can’t hear. Usually described as a “ringing” noise, tinnitus can sound like hissing, roaring, humming, or any underlying noise that is internal. Tinnitus is often caused by an underlying condition and treating that condition will usually resolve the tinnitus. Regardless of cause, for some people tinnitus becomes unbearable and affects sleep, mood, concentration, relationships, and daily activities. In some cases, tinnitus cannot be cured, but a symptom management plan can significantly help improve quality of life. Intensive behavioral therapy can help patients reduce the perception of tinnitus by teaching coping strategies that also help with the anxiety and depression to which chronic tinnitus can lead. 

Tinnitus sufferers may also want to explore wearing a “masker,” a hearing device that produces white noise to counteract the annoying, sometimes debilitating, sounds of tinnitus. There are many processes and products available today to address the needs of the hearing impaired, including maskers, assistive listening devices, and difficult-to-see hearing instruments. To find out what’s new in better hearing today, we invite your call at NORTH HASTINGS HEARING AND BALANCE CLINIC. We offer complete hearing healthcare services by an audiologist. 

P.S. Tinnitus can be relieved or cured with treatments ranging from medication changes and earwax removal to wearing hearing aids and treating an underlying circulatory condition. 


 Hearing loss has numerous potential causes, many of which are not directly related to the ear, making the cause difficult to pinpoint. In order for your ears and brain to work together to create sound, sound waves must travel through your ear to the tiny bones of the ear that vibrate, and the fluid in the inner ear must also be balanced. Signals created in the ear must travel through the auditory nerve to the brain before they can be “heard.” Anything disrupting this system causes sound to be lower in volume, distorted, or not heard at all. Ear infections, blockages, tumors, and other abnormal growths can all hinder hearing. Ear diseases, ear trauma, and genetic factors also influence hearing. 

The human ear is an amazing instrument. When its parts break down or fail to function properly, however, today’s remarkable technology is doing its best to keep pace to help the hearing impaired once again enjoy the sounds of the world around them. If you have concerns about your hearing, or a parent or other family member’s hearing abilities, we hope you’ll feel comfortable discussing today’s options for better hearing with an Audiologist at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC. 

P.S. If hearing loss is sudden or if you unexpectedly experience partial or total hearing loss, it may be the sign of an underlying emergency.


 Hearing loss is commonly caused by normal aging and noise damage, but over 50 percent of hearing loss is actually caused by inherited conditions and diseases. Even age-related hearing loss is found to be more genetically influenced than previously realized. Over half of children born with hearing loss and those who develop it in early childhood have a family history of hearing loss. A majority of these children have no other birth defects or major health concerns associated with hearing loss. Even in a family with no history of hearing loss, a child may have a genetic link. Some types of genetic hearing loss are known to occur with heart defects, vision loss, and developmental delays. 

Helping our patients comprehend the scope of their hearing impairments and learning about the various ways they can improve their quality of living are two of the most important services we provide at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC. When you need help with your hearing, we hope you’ll turn to the services of an Audiologist, the hearing specialist most qualified to search for solutions and the hearing instruments best suited to each patient’s hearing abilities. Call us soon to arrange a comprehensive hearing test. 

P.S. While men traditionally have more age-related hearing loss from working more in occupations with noisy environments, women have a higher risk of genetic age-related hearing loss. 


Getting used to wearing two new hearing aids can take anywhere from a few days to a few months or longer, especially if it’s your first pair. Your brain forgets how to process sounds when it doesn’t hear them regularly, and it takes time for it to relearn or remember how to hear the sounds it’s forgotten. Start by wearing hearing aids at home for short periods while watching TV or listening to the radio. Then try having a one-on-one conversation with someone in a quiet location. Each day, increase the length of time aids are worn and the situations in which you wear them. Follow-up visits with your hearing professional help you fine-tune the sound and fit for comfort. 

Learning to hear with the assistance of hearing instruments requires practice in the beginning. We’ll help you through the entire process at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC, beginning with comprehensive testing and evaluation by a registered audiologist to determine the most appropriate way to address your hearing impairment. We’ll show you several different types of hearing aids to be sure we find the right one for you. Follow-up care is also an integral part of our services. To improve your hearing and improve your life, please call us to arrange a hearing test. 

P.S. Many people find the sound of their own voice, chewing, swallowing, and other internal noises the biggest adjustment to their first pair of hearing aids.


Hearing loss doesn’t just make sounds quieter. It can also make sounds jumbled, muffled, and distorted. Difficulty understanding speech is one of the most common hearing loss problems, caused by loss of the ability to sense higher frequency sounds. Frequency, or pitch, is the degree of highness or lowness of a sound caused by vibrations (the number of sound wave repetitions per second). When the sensory hairs of the inner ear—which detect different frequencies in sound—become damaged, high-frequency hearing loss happens. Consonants have higher frequencies than vowels, making many sounds used in speech difficult to decipher. Low-frequency hearing loss is less common and makes it more difficult to understand vowels and speech from deeper voices.

When you feel that things don’t sound “right” or the way they use to, but you don’t know why, come to LINDSAY EAR CLINIC for a complete, painless hearing evaluation from an audiologist. Specializing in evaluating and treating people of all ages with hearing loss, a registered audiologist is the extensively trained professional most qualified to perform hearing tests, refer patients for medical treatment, provide hearing rehabilitation services, and help people lead more effective and productive lives through better hearing. 

P.S. In some newer hearing aid models, amplitude compression can be tailored to specific frequencies to target the sounds you have the most trouble hearing. 


Meniere’s disease is a condition that causes hearing loss in the inner ear of one or both ears. Some refer to it as a group of hearing disorders with similar symptoms that lead to hearing loss but have no apparent cause. While Meniere’s is called a disease, it is really a group of symptoms: muffled hearing, tinnitus, ear pressure or fullness, and spells of sudden (often extreme) vertigo. These symptoms are associated with a number of conditions with different underlying causes. An initial investigation of Meniere’s-like symptoms may lead to more questions than answers and no specific diagnosis. In other words, when symptoms are present but no underlying cause is found, Meniere’s disease is often the diagnosis. 

Your well-being and peace of mind are always our number one priority. Our comprehensive services therefore include more than hearing testing, proper hearing aid recommendation and fitting, fresh high-quality batteries, and follow-up support and counseling.  At LINDSAY EAR CLINIC, we are trained to work with people to identify, treat, and prevent hearing loss and therefore enhance their enjoyment of life. Time for a hearing evaluation? Time to call us.

P.S. While the cause of the group of symptoms called Meniere’s disease may never be found, treating the individual symptoms can provide some relief. 



Sclerosis means abnormal hardening of body tissue. Otosclerosis happens when abnormal bone growth occurs inside the ear. Bone remodeling is an ongoing process in which bone tissue regenerates and replaces itself. With otosclerosis, bone remodeling inside the ear becomes irregular and causes overgrowth that interferes with sound waves. In addition to hearing loss, otosclerosis can cause balance issues like dizziness and vertigo. Treatment options depend on the severity of the condition. Hearing aids improve hearing loss for many people, but they do not reverse or cure the condition. A surgery called a stapedectomy replaces the defective stapes bone in the middle ear so sound can bypass the bone. Patients with cochlear otosclerosis may also see improved hearing with cochlear implants.

A fundamental service we provide at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC is helping our patients comprehend the scope of their hearing impairments and become aware of the various ways they can improve their quality of living. It’s important to us that our family, friends, and neighbors here in Lindsay enjoy the world in which they live. We are committed to serving the needs of the hearing impaired. Can we help you? Let’s start with a hearing consultation and test. Then we’ll show you the amazing, revolutionary hearing instruments available today. 

P.S. Otosclerosis is the most common cause of conductive hearing loss among young adults (hearing loss caused by sounds’ inability to reach the inner ear). 


Ototoxicity is the term used for damage to the inner ear from taking certain prescription and non-prescription medications. “Ototoxicity” literally translates as “ear poisoning.” Some medications can damage the sensory cells located inside the inner ear that control balance and hearing. There are over 200 drugs that are considered ototoxic, and some of them are essential medications, including several used to treat cancer. Not all people who take ototoxic drugs will experience symptoms. Whether to take an ototoxic drug is a matter of weighing the benefits of the drug with the potential risks. Some risk factors include the type of medication, the dose level, how long the drug is taken, and other ototoxic drugs a person may already be taking. 

We bring you this column about better hearing in order to provide our Lindsay readers with information that we hope they will find interesting and helpful regarding their hearing healthcare. Whether you already wear hearing instruments or perhaps feel you may have an impairment and wish to explore your options, it’s all about YOUR hearing at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC.  You’ll find compassionate, skilled individuals, ready to start (and keep you) on the road to better hearing. Call us to arrange a painless hearing test. 

P.S. Ototoxic drugs can cause permanent damage in the inner ear and may lead to long-term problems with hearing and balance.


Hearing loss can happen gradually or suddenly. Exposure to loud sounds for too long or too often can cause damage over time. Short but extremely loud noises like explosions can damage hearing all at once. Sensory hairs in our inner ears, which are essential for hearing, are permanently damaged by sudden or prolonged loud noises. People in certain professions who are regularly exposed to loud noises are at higher risk of hearing damage. Higher-risk workers include musicians, transportation workers, and active-duty military, but they also include less-obvious jobs like baristas, fitness instructors, and bartenders. In addition to hearing loss, the effects of hearing damage include problems like tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hyperacusis (sensitivity to everyday sounds). 

Many people don’t realize they have exposed their hearing to dangerous sound levels until it is too late. Fortunately, today more than ever, people from all walks of life are learning more about their hearing and the ways to protect it. If you or a loved one has suffered hearing impairment due to excessive noise, injury, disease, or the aging process, remember you’ve got a friend at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC. Our goal is a straight-forward one—help the hearing impaired through our expertise, personal service, and the latest technology. 

P.S. Musicians are four times more likely to have hearing loss and 57 percent more likely to develop tinnitus. 


People who have been diagnosed with hearing loss in one ear may wonder if they need to wear hearing aids in both ears. In most cases, two hearing aids are recommended because it’s easier for the brain to interpret the sounds we hear when they come from both ears. One big problem with hearing loss is auditory deprivation, or the inability to decipher speech from background noise. Despite the different levels of hearing loss in each ear, wearing two hearing aids creates a balance that provides clearer sound quality and better speech understanding. The brain also uses sound from both ears to sense the sound source’s location, so wearing only one hearing aid can alter your sense of directional sound.  

At LINDSAY EAR CLINIC, pairing the most appropriate hearing device with each hearing impaired individual’s specific needs is an essential element of our hearing healthcare services. If a hearing test determines that a hearing instrument, or two, will be of benefit to you, let us help in the selection of what is best for your hearing loss and your lifestyle. We carry a full range of hearing instruments to ensure the most appropriate match between device and wearer. Our testing equipment is state-of-the-art, and we welcome you and everyone in your family to come see us for an evaluation. 

P.S. Sometimes one hearing aid is recommended for people with cognitive delays and dementia, even with hearing loss in both ears, because it’s believed that two hearing aids can overstimulate the brain in these patients. 


Many of us take nutritional supplements to help meet our daily dietary requirements and to either treat or prevent certain health conditions. Some antioxidant-rich supplements have been found to improve and prevent hearing problems. Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a popular supplement for overall health, and it can also help protect the ears. ALA increases antioxidant production, and reducing oxidation lowers the risk of damage to sensitive parts of the ear that are essential for hearing, like the cochlea. Zinc is another powerful antioxidant that can be difficult to sufficiently absorb from our diets alone. Zinc supplements can help reduce tinnitus and prevent certain types of hearing loss. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that supports cochlea health and mitochondrial function. 

If you would like to learn about different ways of enhancing your hearing as well as protecting your hearing abilities, we invite you to ask the people who know, the people who have your best interests at heart—the people at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC. Don’t put it off any longer. If you think your hearing abilities are less than they once were, call us to see what we can do for you. Between our commitment to your well-being and our dedicated staff, your hearing is in good hands.

P.S. Studies show that plants used in traditional Chinese medicine such as ginseng and ginkgo biloba have a positive impact on improving hearing ability and preventing hearing loss. 


A diagnostic hearing evaluation is used to measure hearing loss and look for the causes. After examining the inside of the ear with an otoscope and doing a tonal threshold test, a hearing specialist may recommend additional tests to look for the location of any problems suspected of causing hearing loss. Several painless tests are used to examine locations like the middle ear, auditory nerve, inner ear, and vestibular nerve. There are also hearing tests that measure the electrical nerve impulses that carry sound from the ear to the brain and the ability to hear speech in noisy environments. People experiencing balance problems or dizziness may also undergo a diagnostic hearing evaluation, since the ear is responsible for balance.

If you have a hearing impairment, you are missing more than just the understanding of words. Hearing keeps you in touch with the world, lets you respond to sound, and reassures you of changing surroundings. After the age of 50, a regular hearing test should be considered as important as a yearly physical checkup. LINDSAY EAR CLINIC offers comprehensive hearing services by a registered audiologist, including evaluations, custom fittings, a full range of hearing instruments, accessories, follow-up support, and repairs. 

P.S. Because hearing loss can be caused by or related to other health conditions, at your initial evaluation, your hearing specialist will ask about your complete medical history, including medications you take. 


It is important to practice consistent daily cleaning and regular home maintenance of your hearing aids to keep them performing optimally. Hearing aid maintenance is like caring for your teeth: they need to be cleaned at home each night and have regular appointments for professional cleanings. Most hearing aids are very durable, but their lifespan depends on how well you care for them. Proper maintenance reduces repair frequency and increases sound quality, lifespan, and cost savings. Follow the cleaning practices recommended for your type of hearing aid. In-the-ear styles, over-the-ear styles, replaceable battery, and rechargeable hearing aids all have unique cleaning needs. Work with your provider to create both a home and professional maintenance schedule.

A hearing instrument that needs cleaning, isn’t working correctly, doesn’t fit properly or deliver the quality of sound you have a right to expect is probably going to end up unworn and forgotten at the back of the night table drawer, a sad outcome for your investment in better hearing. For comprehensive testing and evaluations, a complete line of today’s most innovative hearing instruments, expert fittings, as well as follow-up adjustments using state-of-the-art technology, please call the registered audiologists at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC.

P.S. Most hearing aids need a professional cleaning every six months. Your provider will also test and calibrate your hearing aids at annual visits for optimal performance. 


Tinnitus is a ringing, hissing, or roaring noise inside your ears that only you can hear. The sound can be constant or intermittent, may occur in one or both ears, and can range from barely noticeable to debilitating. Although doctors don’t know what causes the internal noise, there is a connection between tinnitus and hearing loss. About 90 percent of people with tinnitus also have some degree of hearing loss. There are also links between both tinnitus and noise exposure and tinnitus and head injuries. Tinnitus is also associated with several health disorders and can be an indication of a more serious problem. Fortunately, hearing aids are an effective way to manage both tinnitus and hearing loss.  

Whether you are hearing the sounds of tinnitus or not hearing the sounds of life around you, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a registered audiologist at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC. With the many options available today, thanks to innovative, advanced technology, your ability to hear can be enhanced and so will your quality of life. Stop by or call us to find out about having a painless hearing evaluation. 

P.S. Meniere’s disease is a common disorder of the inner ear that causes both tinnitus and hearing loss. 


The ear diseases that most commonly cause hearing loss are otosclerosis, Meniere’s disease, autoimmune inner ear disease, and acoustic neuroma. Otosclerosis is a disease that limits movement of the tiny bones in the middle ear that vibrate to create sound. This condition can often be corrected with surgery. Meniere’s disease causes fluid build-up in the inner ear that makes hearing come and go until permanent hearing loss occurs (usually in one ear), often accompanied by vertigo and ear pressure. Autoimmune inner ear disease causes sudden or rapid hearing loss, which can be minimized by early intervention. Acoustic neuroma is a tumor that forms on the nerve that connects the ear to the brain and often causes hearing loss. 

     Our primary mission is to help as many people as possible improve their hearing and thus their lives. We hope to help through education, advanced technology, and friendly, compassionate service. For a knowledgeable understanding of the body’s hearing mechanisms and a deep commitment to knowing what’s available today to help each individual’s hearing loss, we welcome you to LINDSAY EAR CLINIC.

P.S. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) frequently occurs with most ear diseases and conditions that cause hearing loss. 


People can become so used to wearing hearing aids that they can forget to remove them before showering or swimming. Although most hearing aids are water resistant and a few models are waterproof, none are meant to be submerged in water. A brief stint in the shower or an unexpected downpour should not damage your hearing aids if you immediately remove the wet batteries (don’t remove rechargeable batteries) and dry the hearing aids with a cloth. It’s best to let them airdry, but you can decrease drying time by using a fan or hairdryer on the no-heat setting. Wet hearing aids can also be placed inside a sealed bag of uncooked rice for 24 hours to absorb any leftover moisture.  

      Because your hearing instruments are valuable investments, they deserve your utmost attention in keeping them in the best of shape.  At LINDSAY EAR CLINIC, we can show you how taking a few easy steps of daily good care helps ensure your hearing instruments function properly and prolongs their lifespan. Our comprehensive services include hearing testing, proper hearing aid recommendation and fitting, and follow-up support and counseling. Can we help you achieve better hearing? Call us for an appointment for a comprehensive hearing test.

P.S. Most modern hearing aids have an IP (ingress protection) rating that represents their level of water resistance. 


A retracted (collapsed) eardrum happens as the result of an air pressure imbalance inside the ear. The air pressure outside your ears should be equal to the air pressure inside your ears. When an air imbalance occurs, it can cause a vacuum effect that pulls the eardrum toward the middle of the ear. The most common cause of a retracted eardrum is Eustachian tube dysfunction or a blockage in the Eustachian tubes. A retracted eardrum may heal on its own, but sometimes the condition causes a secondary problem called cholesteatoma, which causes a cyst to grow behind the eardrum. If left untreated, cholesteatoma can damage the tiny bones in the middle ear that transmit sound waves, leading to hearing loss.

Our staff is well-trained in a variety of services ranging from providing audiological evaluations and treatments, dispensing hearing instruments and other listening devices, and working with patients to outline a strategic plan for achieving optimum communication capabilities. When it comes to better hearing, you can always count on LINDSAY EAR CLINIC.

P.S. After a collapsed eardrum occurs, it can take several months for the air pressure inside the ear to equalize again. 


Forty-five to 50 years ago, eyeglass- and body-style hearing instruments were the most popular types of hearing instruments worn by individuals with hearing loss.  Since that time, there have been a number of technical advancements that have led to shifts in preferred styles of hearing instruments. Today, eyeglass- and body-style hearing instruments account for only one percent of all hearing instruments.  Most individuals now choose in-the-ear ITE (approximately 80%) or behind-the-ear BTE (approximately 20%) hearing instruments.  Thanks to the miniaturization of component parts (such as the microphone, receiver, and battery), ITE-style hearing instruments are small enough to fit completely within the ear canal. These custom-fitted instruments combine comfort with easy access.   
At our clinics we offer a range of hearing aid packages and accessories and the most advanced hearing testing to best serve you. We provide you with the industry’s best warranties and professional services. If you believe you have a hearing loss, please call us. We take pride in keeping up to date with the latest advancements in hearing technology.
P.S. In-the-ear ITE hearing instruments are small enough to fit inside the ear, but are large enough to be easily adjusted by wearers.


If you run, hike, swim, or play tennis, you may have questions as to whether any hearing instrument can keep up with the demands of your physical lifestyle. Well, your questions have been answered in the form of hearing instruments that are water-resistant, waterproof, dustproof, and shock proof. While a “water-resistant” instrument is designed to withstand the effects of water, perspiration, and other forms of moisture, a “waterproof” instrument can withstand total submersion in water without experiencing damage. These instruments can be subjected to rain, humidity, and perspiration, as well as rugged, dusty conditions without concerns that might otherwise compromise your enjoyment of physical activity. In fact, wearing an instrument designed for exercisers and athletes may even increase your performance.  

If you live an active lifestyle and enjoy activities like kayaking, surfing, hiking, and rock climbing, hearing loss does not need to get in the way of your passions. To schedule a consultation, please call us. Our goal is to help people of all ages hear better and improve their quality of life. We offer a wide variety of hearing aids in many colours, shapes, and sizes.

P.S. Seamless construction and silicone seals enable waterproof hearing instruments to keep water and moisture at bay.


In this era of personal listening devices, most people essentially take their hearing for granted. Others are either unaware that they have a hearing deficiency or dismiss the notion that they are placing their hearing at risk by exposing their ears to high-volume sound. If you think you are immune to hearing loss, bear in mind that hearing loss is the third most common physical condition after arthritis and heart disease. If you think hearing loss is primarily a problem for older adults, you should know that gradual hearing loss can affect individuals of all ages. While a strong correlation between age and hearing loss exists, excessive exposure to loud sounds can also cause hearing loss in adolescents and teenagers. 

Noise-induced hearing loss is something you can prevent. Even if you can’t tell that you are damaging your hearing, you could have trouble hearing in the future, such as not being able to understand other people when they talk, especially on the phone or in a noisy room. At our clinics, we offer a range of hearing aid packages and the most advanced hearing testing to best serve you. We carry the latest in Bluetooth, T.V., and cell phone technologies for hearing aids.

P.S. Young people should know that feeding loud music directly into their ears via earbuds and headphones makes it more likely that they will suffer irreversible noise-related hearing loss.


A number of studies show that having a healthy cardiovascular system (heart, arteries, and veins) tends to make it more likely that a person will have good hearing. It makes sense, then, that when blood flow to the inner ear is compromised and blood vessels are damaged, it’s more likely that a hearing impairment will develop. The fact is that the functioning of the inner ear is so sensitive to blood flow that an audiogram (a graph showing the results of a test of the hearing ability of each ear) may actually represent a screening test for those at risk for peripheral arterial disease, which is a circulatory problem caused by narrowing arteries that reduces blood flow to limbs.
If you believe you have a hearing loss, please call us. Our highly trained staff provides hearing healthcare in a manner that provides you with the information you need for a successful experience with your new hearing instruments. We are also well stocked in hearing aid accessories from batteries to hearing aids and represent many manufacturers.
P.S. Some cardiovascular doctors believe that patients with low-frequency hearing loss should be regarded as at risk for cardiovascular events, and appropriate referrals be considered.


Earwax is naturally produced by a gland in the skin lining the ear canal; it’s purpose is to help protect, clean and lubricate the ear.  With the assistance of regular movements of the jaw, small amounts of earwax are continuously transported from the ear canal to the opening of the ear.  It then dries and is either washed away or falls out as new wax is secreted.

While earwax is usually extremely beneficial, the buildup of an excessive amount can lead to blockage or impaction.  Some of the symptoms of earwax blockage include pain, reduced hearing, a ringing in the ear, a feeling of the ears being plugged and in some cases discharge.  A main cause of earwax blockage is attempting to clean the ear with a cotton-tipped swab or other object. This ill-advised cleaning method simply pushes the wax deeper into the ear, obstructing the ear canal.  Never put other objects such as pen caps or hairpins in your ears to clean them.

The only thing you need to do to keep your ears healthy is to wash your ears regularly when showering or bathing, making sure to only clean the external part of the ear.  If you feel that you need further care or would like to have your ears cleaned or flushed by an Audiologist, please contact us.  We are here to help. To schedule a consultation, please call LINDSAY EAR CLINIC or click here .

P.S. This article as well as all of our past articles can be found on our website for future reference.


Ringing in the ears (“tinnitus”) affects an estimated 10%-15% of the worldwide adult population. This condition, most commonly caused by exposure to loud noise, affects men more than women, especially as they get older. The majority of those with tinnitus also suffer from some degree of hearing loss. If so, the use of a hearing aid can help by allowing the wearer to hear normal sounds more clearly, which helps divert attention away from the buzzing sounds. Amplifying sounds with a hearing aid may also make it less likely that the brain’s sound-processing regions will produce tinnitus sounds. About half of people with both hearing loss and tinnitus report less buzzing when they wear a hearing aid.

Hearing aids for tinnitus divert attention away from the sounds associated with it. They make it easier to listen to external sounds instead of permanently concentrating on internal sounds. To schedule a consultation, please call us. Our goal is to help people of all ages hear better and improve their quality of life. 

P.S. Loud noise may not only cause tinnitus (and hearing loss), but it may also make it worse.


Hearing loss has the potential to affect health and well-being in ways some never might have imagined. Recent research indicates that older individuals with hearing loss have accelerated loss of brain tissue in addition to a higher risk of poor physical and mental health, dementia, falls, and hospitalizations. The study tracked 126 participants, who underwent yearly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to trace brain changes for up to a decade. In that time, researchers found that people with hearing loss at the beginning of the study had quicker rates of brain atrophy than those with normal hearing. In fact, those with diminished hearing lost more than an additional cubic centimetre of brain tissue annually compared to those with normal hearing.   

We feel it is important that our patients understand about hearing, hearing devices, and options that are available in today’s market. We take the time to show, explain, and educate our patients every step of the way. To schedule a hearing consultation, please call our clinic. We provide comprehensive audiological assessments. We educate our patients so they can make an informed decision about their hearing needs. 

P.S. It is recommended that adults have their hearing assessed at least every decade through age 50 and at three-year intervals thereafter.


Many people suffering from hearing loss think they don’t need to seek treatment until they are unable to hear loud word exchanges that keep them out of the conversational loop. However, there is every reason to believe that even milder hearing loss is something that deserves treatment. The fact is that even a missed whisper can affect a person’s quality of life. Recent research shows that whispers can have a relaxing effect. From a physiological standpoint, whispers induce feelings of euphoria and relaxation because they stimulate the release of the hormone oxytocin, which is known to create feelings of trust and closeness with others. So, even missed whispers are good reason to have your hearing checked.  

Our ears pick up sound and transmit the signals to the brain. The longer a person goes without getting help, the harder it is to adapt to hearing aids. Modern digital hearing aids are programmed to take into account the hearing needs of the individual. To schedule an evaluation, please call us. We carry the latest in Bluetooth, T.V., and cell phone technologies for hearing aids. 

P.S. If you miss the sound of waves gently lapping on a sandy shore and other soothing sounds, we can help you hear them again.


Anne Marie Sinansac-Roy is raising awareness of the link between unaddressed hearing loss and depression, and is urging adults of all ages to get their hearing tested to help protect their mental health. Her efforts come in support of World Mental Health Day on October 10. People with hearing loss who use hearing aids often have fewer depressive symptoms, greater social engagement, and improved quality of life, studies show.
To help people determine if they need a comprehensive hearing test by a hearing healthcare professional, the Better Hearing Institute (BHI) is offering a free, quick, and confidential online hearing check at www.BetterHearing.org. Today, more than 5 percent of the world’s population—360 million people—has disabling hearing loss.
Hearing loss affects people of all ages. And so do the associated emotional and mental health issues that can come with leaving hearing loss unaddressed. A 2014 study, in fact, showed that hearing loss is associated with an increased risk of depression in adults of all ages, but is most pronounced in 18 to 69 year olds.
Another study, conducted in Italy, looked at working adults—35 to 55 years of age—with untreated mild to moderate age-related hearing loss and found that they were more prone to depression, anxiety, and interpersonal sensitivity than those with no hearing problems.
The good news is that for the vast majority of people with hearing loss, hearing aids can help. Research shows that the use of hearing aids can help reduce depressive symptoms. And eight out of 10 hearing aid users say they’re satisfied with the changes that have occurred in their lives due to their hearing aids.

5 Mental Health-Minded Reasons to Get Your Hearing Tested

 There’s a lot more to hearing loss than just sound. Getting a hearing test and using professionally fitted hearing aids—when recommended by a hearing healthcare professional—is an important way for people with hearing loss to safeguard their mental health and quality of life. Here’s why:

1.    Ignoring hearing loss hurts quality of life. Research shows that when left unaddressed, hearing loss is frequently associated with other physical, mental, and emotional health issues that diminish quality of life. Depression, withdrawal from social situations, a lessened ability to cope, and reduced overall psychological health are just some of the conditions associated with unaddressed hearing loss.

2.    Addressing hearing loss boosts mood. People with untreated hearing loss often feel angry, frustrated, anxious, isolated, and depressed. But research shows that when they use hearing aids, their mental health often rallies. Many regain emotional stability, become more socially engaged, feel a greater sense of safety and independence, and see a general improvement in their overall quality of life.

3.    Using hearing aids can help bolster self-confidence. Research shows that when people with hearing loss use hearing aids, many feel more in control of their lives and less self-critical. One BHI study found that the majority of people with mild and severe hearing loss felt better about themselves and life overall as a result of using hearing aids.

4.    Good communication enriches relationships and social support. Healthy relationships rest largely on good communication. In one BHI study, nearly 7 out of 10 participants reported improvements in their ability to communicate effectively in most situations because of their hearing aid use. More than half said using hearing aids improved their relationships at home, their social lives, and their ability to join in groups. Many even saw improvements in their romance.

5.    Today’s hearing aids are better than ever and virtually invisible. Dramatic new technological advances have revolutionized hearing aids in recent years. Many are virtually invisible, sitting discreetly and comfortably inside the ear canal. Some are even waterproof or rechargeable. Best of all, they’re wireless. That means they’re able to stream sound from smartphones, home entertainment systems, and other electronics directly into your hearing aid(s) at volumes just right for you. Simply, today’s hearing aids help people of all ages maintain active, healthy lifestyles.

For more information on hearing loss please contact us in Lindsay at 705-340-5050, Bobcaygeon at 705-738-1752 or Bancroft at 613-332-1050.

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